Microbiological Analysis and Antibacterial Activity
Detergent Analyses

Microbiological Analysis and Antibacterial Activity

    Microbiological analyzes in detergents are tests to determine whether products are contaminated with microorganisms or exceed a certain microbial load limit. Antibacterial activity analysis is performed to confirm whether the antibacterial properties of the detergent are effective. Here is general information about these two types of analysis carried out in detergents:

    1. **Microbiological Analysis**:
        - **Total Mesophilic Aerobic Microorganism Count**: This test determines the microorganism load of the detergent. Specifically, it measures the amount of bacteria, yeast and mold that can grow at room temperature.
        - **Determination of Coliform Bacteria and E. coli**: Coliforms and E. coli are indicators of fecal contamination. Detergents should not contain these microorganisms.
        - **Pathogen Tests**: Detergents must not contain Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other pathogens. These tests determine the presence or absence of these pathogens.
    2. **Antibacterial Activity Analysis**:
        - **Disc Diffusion Method**: With this method, a bacterial culture is inoculated on agar plate. Discs impregnated with antibacterial detergent are placed on agar. The antibacterial activity of the detergent is evaluated according to the size of the inhibition zones formed around the discs.
        - **Determination of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC)**: This test determines the minimum concentration of detergent required to inhibit bacterial growth.
        - **Cell Contact Test**: With this method, the viability rate of bacteria in contact with detergent for a certain period of time is evaluated.

    The results of these analyzes are used to determine the microbiological quality and antibacterial properties of the detergent. For a detergent to carry the antibacterial label, it must have a certain bacterial reduction rate (usually 99.9% or more). The results of microbiological analyzes can also show whether proper hygienic conditions are maintained during production.