Determination Structure (FTIR Material Identification)
Packaging Analysis

Determination Structure (FTIR Material Identification)

    FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) spectroscopy is an analytical technique that studies the way molecules absorb infrared light. These absorptions are associated with vibrations of certain chemical bonds within the molecule. FTIR spectroscopy is widely used, especially in the structure determination of chemical compounds and materials.

    **Basic Steps Followed in FTIR Material Identification:**

    1. **Sample Preparation:** The substance to be examined is prepared in an appropriate form. For example, solid samples can often be analyzed directly in a KBr (potassium bromide) tablet or by the ATR (Attenuated Total Reflectance) method. Liquid samples are usually examined between a thin cell.

    2. **Taking the Spectrum:** The sample is placed in the FTIR spectrometer and infrared light is passed through the sample. Light that is not absorbed by the sample reaches the detector and a spectrum is generated.

    3. **Analysis of Spectrum:** The resulting spectrum is characterized by absorption peaks or lines at certain wavelengths. These peaks correspond to the vibrational frequencies of chemical bonds within the molecule.

    4. **Identification of Chemical Components:** By comparing the obtained spectrum with the spectra of known compounds, the identity of the components in the sample is determined. This is usually done with a reference spectrum database.

    5. **Reporting Results:** Analysis results detail the chemical components and structures contained in the sample.

    **Fields of Application of FTIR Material Identification:**

    - **Identification of polymers and plastics:** FTIR is commonly used to determine the chemical structure of polymers and plastics.
    - **Identification of organic compounds:** FTIR is used to determine the structures of organic molecules and compounds.

    - **Detection of contaminants and impurities:** Undesirable components or impurities in a material can be detected by FTIR.

    - **Analysis of pharmaceutical products:** The structures of drug substances and excipients can be analyzed by FTIR spectroscopy.

    FTIR spectroscopy is a preferred method for material identification in many industries, as it is a fast, sensitive and non-contact analysis method.