Determination of Azo Dye
Shoe Analysis

Determination of Azo Dye

    TS EN ISO 14362-1 & TS EN ISO 17234-1 is a standard for the determination of certain aromatic amines reduced from azo dyestuffs in textile and leather products. Azo dyes are widely used to dye textile and leather products. However, some azo dyes can be reduced to certain aromatic amines that are potentially carcinogenic. Therefore, it is important to detect and evaluate the presence of these amines.

    The ISO 14362-1 & TS EN ISO 17234-1 standard details the detection and quantitative determination of these aromatic amines, generally by analytical methods such as gas chromatography (GC) or liquid chromatography (LC).

    A general approach is as follows:

    1. **Sample Preparation:** The textile or leather material to be analyzed is ground to obtain a homogeneous sample.

    2. **Extraction:** Aromatic amines that can be reduced from azo dyestuffs are extracted from the sample matrix using a suitable solvent and reducing agent (usually sodium dithionite).

    3. **Analysis:** The extract is analyzed in analytical instruments such as gas chromatography (GC) or liquid chromatography (LC). Amines are separated and detected in these devices. Chromatographic analysis is highly sensitive in detecting and quantitatively measuring specific amines.

    4. **Evaluation of Results:** The analysis results obtained are compared with certain limits or standards. This is used to determine whether products comply with certain regulations and guidelines.