Determination of Chromium VI
Shoe Analysis

Determination of Chromium VI

    TS EN ISO 17075-1 represents a standard for the chemical determination of Chromium VI (Cr+6) content in leather materials. Chromium (VI) is a harmful compound that can be formed by the oxidation of Chromium (III), one of the substances used in leather tanning. Therefore, it is important to detect its presence in leather products.

    My ability to provide a complete protocol or procedure is limited, but a general approach can be found below:

    1. **Sample Preparation:** The leather material to be analyzed is grinded to obtain a homogeneous sample.

    2. **Extraction:** Chromium (VI) compounds are extracted from the sample matrix using a suitable solvent (usually phosphate buffer) with a pH of about 7.5.

    3. **Representation and Coloring:** The extract is reacted with reagents, these reagents react with Chromium (VI) causing color change.

    4. **Spectrophotometric Analysis:** The resulting colored solution is analyzed using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer at a specific wavelength (usually around 540 nm). The observed change in absorbance is directly proportional to the amount of Chromium (VI) in the sample.

    5. **Evaluation of Results:** The analysis results obtained are compared with certain limits or standards. This is used to determine whether leather products comply with certain regulations and guidelines.