Kozmetik Ürünlerde Koruyucu Etkinlik Testi

Kozmetik Ürünlerde Koruyucu Etkinlik Testi


    Challenge test is the testing of cosmetic products within the scope of international standards for the purpose of evaluating the performance of preservatives used against microbial exposure. Cosmetic products are tested in a laboratory environment by subjecting them to an artificial contamination process.
    Based on the ISO 11930 standard, the antimicrobial protection of cosmetic products can be evaluated by counting microorganisms on the 7th, 14th and 28th days within the scope of Protective Efficacy Test procedures.
    Protective Efficacy Test (Challenge Test / Challenge Test) of the cosmetic product within the scope of ISO 11930 standard is carried out in our laboratory within the scope of TURKAK Accreditation.